trusting in the stillness of the season
from the December 2024 newsletter
This week we have had hard, bitter cold in Virginia.
I just spent the morning buying heated water buckets for all the animals we have here at our farm. After years of breaking through many buckets of ice every morning, this will be such a luxury for us!
I have been thinking a lot this week about navigating the stillness of the season and the challenge that it can be to slow down. While on my morning walk through the woods, I watched the creek. All the leaves around it were covered in a thin layer of ice crystals and while a layer of ice was forming around the edges of the creek, the water still rolled on underneath.
The image of the frozen surface with the water moving below brought me a lot of comfort.
There is something to be said for allowing our healing and the movement of our energy to happen on its own. There is more wisdom in our body and in the loving universe around us than we know.
I think a lot of this season comes down to trust.
Trusting your body, trusting the process you are in, and trusting in the stillness in the season.
Trusting you are worthy of love, just as you are.
What happens if we allow there to be stillness on the surface? What if we let go of needing to achieve or know or prove things or move forward?
Can we find comfort and expansion and safety in the stillness?
I have some special group and individual offerings this month that you can find below.
If you are interested in joining my online intuition development course, The Intuitive Method, there is still a few weeks to sign up.