How do you tell if its intuition or anxiety?

from the February 2024 newsletter

Distinguishing between intuition and anxiety can be challenging, as both can produce strong gut feelings or instincts. However, understanding the differences between them is crucial for making informed decisions and managing your emotional well-being. In this blog post, we'll explore various aspects of intuition and anxiety, providing you with tools to help you differentiate between the two.

What is Intuition?

1. Spontaneous and Calm: Intuition often arises spontaneously, without conscious effort. It tends to manifest as a calm, subtle feeling or inner knowing.

2. Clear and Confident: When your intuition speaks, it clear and confident. You feel a sense of certainty about a particular course of action or decision.

3. Body Signals: Pay attention to physical sensations. Intuitive feelings are typically accompanied by a sense of ease or a light feeling in your body.

4. Positivity: Intuition often leads you towards positive outcomes or decisions that align with your values and long-term goals.

5. Reflective: Intuitive insights may come to you during moments of quiet reflection or meditation.

What is Anxiety?

1. Worry and Fear: Anxiety is characterized by excessive worry and fear. It often involves racing thoughts, unease, and restlessness.

2. Doubt and Uncertainty: Anxiety tends to create doubt and uncertainty. You may second-guess your decisions or become overwhelmed by the possibilities.

3. Physical Symptoms: Anxiety can manifest physically with symptoms like a racing heart, sweating, trembling, or stomach discomfort.

4. Negativity: Anxious thoughts often lead to negative outcomes, catastrophizing situations, or dwelling on worst-case scenarios.

5. Triggers: Anxiety can be triggered by specific situations or stressors, and it tends to persist over time.

How to Tell the Difference:

1. Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings. Intuition is often quieter and less frantic than anxiety.

2. Journaling: Keep a journal to record your thoughts and feelings. Over time, patterns may emerge that can help you differentiate between intuition and anxiety.

3. Relaxation Techniques: Use relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation to calm anxiety. If the feeling persists, it might be more than just anxiety.

4. Professional Help: If you're struggling to manage anxiety, consider seeking help from a therapist or counselor. They can provide strategies for dealing with anxiety and differentiating it from intuition.

Be patient with yourself as you refine your ability to distinguish between intuition and anxiety. Being able to trust your intuition takes time and practice. Taking care of your mental health makes it easier to connect with your intuition. <3


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